Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm not going to lie. I was bad last night.

Ok. Can I just say, since the start of all of this, besides the weekends (and not even all of them), I really haven't gone out, or even seen my friends. So last night, when we had happy hour with our old drinking crew, I clearly..... CLEARLY, TRIED... with all my HEART to stay good. Was drinking the VODS AND WADS all night, no beers, no girly drinks, none of that shit. VODKA and WATER... with lime ;), and shit, I was like ok I've got this... yeah the booze isn't good to have, sure, butttttt one night isn't going to be the end of the world.

WELLLLLLLLLLL, then.... we got HUNGRY. And I didn't have my shakes :( What is a girl to do when she is out drinking, with a bunch of people who aren't on diets and can drink and eat their little hearts out... :(, and then WHAT is a girl to do when there is a basket of TATER TOTS on the table?!?! OH heavens to betsy.... IT ALL WENT DOWN HILL FROM THERE!

There I was... drink in hand, empty stomach reminding me that IT NEEDS TO BE FED, and all I could do was have a stare down with these TOTS. I was looking at them, they were looking at me, and I KNOW they were just saying, "come on Andrea, we are so delicious, we just want to be in your belly... one won't hurt, two won't hurt, you can work it off at the gym tomorrow... just doooooooo it" thats what they were totally saying IF TOTS COULD TALK!... and you know what, I couldn't help but to give in to their amazing smell, their perfectly fried exterior... I just had to, I just had to have like 20. YEP I HAD 20 FREAKING TATER TOTS LAST NIGHT... and humus, and a chicken sandwich with, wait for it... a BUN! OMG A BUN AND NOT A WHEAT BUN BUT A WHITE BUN?!?!?!!?!?!?!??

Gosh, I could not believe how upset I was after I left, knowing I just indulged like that. But damn, DAMN were those TOTS DELISH!.... I felt like me and Napoleon Dynamite were chillin in class yelling at people to not steal our TOTS..... And its funny, because honestly, now that I'm eating the way I'm eating, I dont crave the shitty food. But shit, when you eat that shit, YUM. YUM YUM YUM...

So today, this morning, yeah - back to the shakes, which is totes fine, but I need to remember, that I need to have a little more self control when it comes to having some VODS and WADS with friends - if you get hungry, have a GD salad or something... jesus, control yourself. HAHAHAHA.... So don't judge me friends, sometimes you just have to have some TOTS in your mouth.

PS. I hope you all want TOTS today. MMMMK!


  1. a cheat day isn't a bad thing. This will help you to continue NOT to crave the TOTs. Keep up the great work!!!

  2. Just get back on your program it is not 1 time of over eating that put you here... Go Girl!!!!

  3. I know Michele - I'm weak sometimes, and I just have to vent about it HAHA - and thanks Christine, I'm trying hard! No more TOTS!

  4. sometimes a bad meal is like a re-boot, you are back on track for the next 4 weeks to kill it! Bring it on CRANK! :)
