Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why isn't weight loss instant?!?

I don't know what's worse, sitting next to a women on the VRE who wore entirely WAY TOO MUCH perfume, or realizing all the hard work you are doing won't make you hit your goals overnight.

No really though, think hard, it's wayyyyy too much perfume haha.

Anyways, I had a moment of weakness yesterday... I was emailing with my mom and realized that D Day, aka, dress trying on day is only probably 7 weeks away and yeah, I know I'm making improvements but shit, sometimes I'm like, all this work and its not coming off fast enough. I know I know like I said before, this isn't a race it's a marathon and its going to take time so you have to be patient. My biggest fault is that my patience is basically at a big whopping 0. I have none, zip, zilch, zero. So waiting to drop more sizes so that I can actually try on the sample sizes they have at the store, sucks. To the point where I was even emailing my mom saying I really don't even want to go, because honestly, the tears in my eyes the day I try on those dresses are going to be those of sadness bc ill feel like I haven't lost enough weight, not years of excitement or happiness. I know I know that isn't the way I should feel but it's hard to always be positive about such a drastic goal.

I'm not even kidding this chicks perfume is giving me a headache haha breathing through my nose just isn't cutting it. Haha.

I sit here and I'm like I've been going to the gym for 11 weeks straight why am I not a size 8 yet hahaha. Yeah sure i went shopping this weekend and finally fit into normal sized clothes but thats not good enough yet. If it were only that easy. (Vanishing into a size 8 that is) I wish I had better will power, because when I think like that then I feel like i should eat my feelings, but thankfully I don't haha. I wish I could eat my feelings but I can't do that anymore. What I would do for a bacon egg and cheese right now haha.

I know ill never be a twig, I'm always going to be a bigger girl because these tree trunks for bones aren't getting any skinnier, but its so hard to always be positive about it. What I like about the gym is I always feel like I get positive reinforcement from them, and maybe that's why I love going there so much but at the same time we are all there for similar reasons and of course there isn't going to be negativity. If I could just go throughout my day with my gym friends by my side letting me know that every little things, gonna be alright.... (Sing it) then it would be much better haha but that's not realistic. And at the same time I shouldn't need people to life me up. I should be able to do it on my own, I should be able to be strong and not worry that I'm not dropping fast enough but easier said then done, right ?

At the end of all of this, after I walk down the aisle and realize I've hit all my goals I'm sure ill look back at this post and say hey, look, you did it... But for now, it's a daily struggle.

So, since I'm doing bootcamp here's a fun workout I found online, it's like bootcamp but we do 5 rounds and go for an hour, but even doing this 5 times a week for 20 minutes is better than nothing.

Insanity Workout - Do each of these 6 moves for 1 minute without stopping between exercises. After you've completed 1 round, rest for 60 seconds, then go again. Perform the circuit 3 times (20 minutes & done!) 2 days in a row. Take a rest day & repeat.

And last but not least I'm all about these inspirational quotes now.

Have a great day!!!!!

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