Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day (let's just say 8): To SHOP or not to SHOP that is the question....

Dudes, this is the WORST part about losing weight. What do I do about fall?!?!?! Do I get clothes my size for the upcoming fall? Do I wait, WHAT DO I DO?!

First off - TARGET, you need to make your dresses longer. They are cute, affordable and best of all, I can fit into your dresses, but shit, I'm sure, if my ass hangs out at work one more day, I am going to get fired. Young professionals wear your dresses too, not just teenie boppers, so help me out a little and make that awesome greenish cap sleeve lacy dress that I love so much, a few inches longer!

(this dress in this photo below, excuse my flicking off, I was flicking off my cousin when I took the pic to show her the dress haha, nothing personal against you, world) ((also, it doesn't look that short here because I'm kind of bending over a little and making it longer, but from the back, totally short. rant over)) (((also this dress is super cute without wearing a sweater, but the arms, THE ARMS, you will quickly learn that I hate my arms and I DO NOT show them!)))

Anyways, back to my question. What do I do? Sure, right now, there are only a few stores that I love and have clothes that I can fit into, and they are great. But, do I buy fall clothes on their sites, or wait till I drop some LBs and then get my fall wardrobe? It's really hard... some awesome stores are coming out with some super cute fall stuff... like GAP for instance. They have some awesome stuff right now and of COURSE they keep sending me coupons in my email... don't you KNOW I'm saving for a wedding? Jeez! I want to buy ALL OF THESE!!!! But, yeah, they wouldn't look good on me!!

What should I do? Wait? The other thing is that ASOS - has some super cute plus size clothes.. i could buy some of theirs for the fall till I drop - take a look:

I just don't know... I'm seriously about to buy all these outfits... (well not really because clothes money = wedding money now. HAHAHA)

Super cute, cannot wait to buy any of these!!!!!!

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