Thursday, October 20, 2011

2 weeks down, 2 to go.

So, it's been TWO WHOLE WEEKS since I've been on this detox.... let me tell you - I feel amazing... I really do - This weekend I went on a serious drinking binge with my cousins in NYC and then at the Giants game, and I don't know how I did it with only like 4 hours of sleep, but I made it, and I made it like a champ. I wasn't tired at all - and I KNOW if I wasn't on this diet, I would have felt like shit and probably wouldn't have even made it to the Giants game on Sunday....

I was so worried going into this weekend - I got to the city on Friday before Sam got out of work... I was like well shit, what am I going to do? I guess there isn't anything to do but drink... so, that's what I did. I went to the bar around the corner of their building (The Mason Jar) and started in on my Vodka and Waters (which will now be called, VODS AND WADS). Waiting for Sam, I only had 2, but as I sat there waiting for her, I thought, well shit.... what am I going to do all weekend about eating? I knew that Sam has basically told me that there was no way I was going to be able to stay on this detox while in NYC... with the bagels, the pizza, all the other delicious street treats... But thankfully, Sam was awesome and totally catered to my needs... For dinner on Friday night, along with the Vods and Wads that we were drinking, she made this amazing stir-fry dish with chicken, quinoa, and veggies... it was amazing, and it totally filled me up and was detox approved.. :) Thankfully Friday night was chill, and all we did was sit on the couch, drink vods and wads and watch Jersey Shore! :)

RECIPE FOR the dinner that Sam cooked on Friday night:

1 cup quinoa
2 chicken breasts diced
Garlic powder to taste
Pepper to taste
1 small red onion, chopped
2 carrots, thinly sliced
2 cups steamed broccoli florets (I buy the ones that you can just steam in a bag)
2 cups snow peas
1/4 cup teriyaki sauce (the lower sodium kind)
Bake chicken seasoned with garlic powder and pepper in oven at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Cook quinoa as directed on the box. Meanwhile, spray a large pot with cooking spray and add carrots and onions. After about 5 minutes, add snow peas, broccoli and teriyaki sauce. Cover and cook for another 5-10 minutes, stirring every couple minutes. Dice chicken into bite size pieces and add to the veggie mix. You can either mix in the quinoa at this point (that's how I did it for us) or take a scoop of quinoa and put it on a plate and then top with the veggie/chicken mixture. Add more garlic/pepper/teriyaki to taste.

Saturday was the tough day.... Jon woke up and the first thing he did when he woke up was went and grabbed a dozen bagels... Now, anyone that has been to NYC knows that their bagels are the best.... THE BEST. (don't event try to fight me on that, I will win). And do you know whats even better than NYC bagels? NYC bacon egg and cheese's on bagels hahaha.... Anyways, Jon rolls in with bagels and cream cheese, Sam looks at me and says, your having one. There's no way around it, you can't NOT have one... and I thought back to when Mia said it was ok to have a cheat day once a week.... so I said fine, ONE bagel but with peanut butter (for protein) instead of cream cheese. LET ME TELL YOU, that bagel was amazing, and that my friends, was the only, yes the ONLY time I cheated these whole 14 days.... But, at the time, I didn't think that was going to be a true statement. I thought to myself, there is no way I am going to go out tonight, not get drunk and not want a slice of NYC pizza... but whatever.

So during the day we went around and shopped, got a Jamba Juice, love love love and got back to the apartment to get ready to go to dinner and go out. Thankfully Jon and Sam had picked this awesome spot called Wine 30 for dinner... I had chicken and roasted potatoes for dinner, detox approved, and we indulged in some amazing wine... Now this was 7pm - we probably had our first drink around 6. The night was filled with beer pong, shots, wine, everything you could think of, we had it. I was wasted..... and guess what? I had to be up at 7:30am the next morning to get my ass to Jersey to meet up with Val and Rog and crew for the Giants game.... When my head finally hit the pillow at 3am, I thought, I am sooo sooo SO FUCKED.

7:30am on Sunday. Wake up, feel a little woozy, maybe a little drunk still, but I thought I would be much worse... Got in the car, ate one of my awesome already cooked chicken breasts that was sitting in Sams kitchen, and headed up to the game. 9:30am I cracked my first beer.... hahaha

Now, one would think, omg she must be exhausted... How did she do it - she probably only had about one beer... nope, shit I probably had about 10 - I totally surprised myself... I didn't even feel tired! In fact, I didn't even go to bed till like 11pm that night! If you ask me how I did it, I will say this detox. HAHAHA.... Even at the tailgate - I stuck to my guns and only had chicken and a hamburger without the buns and some pop chips --- even INSIDE the stadium when we went to get hot dogs - I just got peanuts... I was so proud of myself. But the more I thought about it, the more I knew that if I wasn't on this detox, that Sunday would have sucked and I would have been miserable.

I have honestly been living off of, chicken, veggies, fruits, smoothies, quinoa, and sweet potatoes and thats really it for the past 2 weeks.... I never thought I could do it - but I did! :)

I have been up and down, but honestly, I feel 1,000,000 times better, and I don't want to ever feel the way I did before...

OH AND THE GIANTS WON. Yeah, we are awesome.

Ok, that's it for my weekend wrap-up -

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