Monday, October 24, 2011

I've got some awesome friends...

Ever since I have started this blog I have found that my friends are AMAZING.... When I told them, or they read the blog, the texts, emails, facebooks started pouring in - and I know this sounds super lame, but I was so touched by the fact that my friends cared about me that much that I did this, and they helped out ---- so for that, my amazing friends, I thank you - Now, time for some shout outs ----

First and foremost - Juan has been my rock - even when he comes home with McDonalds, he at least warns me that he's coming home with it, and I run and hide in our room haha... That right there, is love. HAHA.

Sara - she's the enforcer - she makes sure that I don't go off track with her uber inspirational words like -

And all the nights we go to get food and she orders the same thing I'm eating! (chicken and broccoli from TGIF's people, only $4 if you want a cheap meal).... And all the countless phone calls, I WANT A COOKIE and her response being SHUT UP! hahaha -- without her, I don't know what I would do.

Sam - yeah, sure she was a pusher while I was in NYC, but still, one of my biggest fans - always telling me to blog, giving me healthy recipes, letting me know that I can dooooooo it haha - I love her and her pushing me!

Nicki and Chris - when I walked into their door and they said, we know you are on a diet so we will help you, I mean come on, what's better than that (except I totally ate like crap that weekend because I was stressed, but STILL)

Amy - Her email to me, which will just have to be a whole other blog post, was amazing - the first thing she said was, "just wanted to let you know how happy and proud of you I am for starting this process" those words mean a lot! :)

Mia - THIS DETOX - if she hadn't had lunch with me on that Wednesday, I wouldn't have ever felt as amazing as I am right now - and for that, and the continuous support, has been amazing...

Betsy and Katie - coming out and working out with me and just being an amazing support system, has been the best thing ever. They came out, took TRX with me, and are constantly helping me improve myself --- I don't know what I would do without them! :)

Cousin Sarah - for all the inspirational words and FABULOUS comments about how I can do it --- I love you.

Lisa - for encouraging me to keep blogging and to stick with it - she lost a good amount of weight for her wedding, and not because she needed to, but because she wanted to, and she wanted to feel better - and that is what I want, I just want to feel better, I love who I am, but you push me to want to better myself...

I'm sure I'm missing people, but here is a compilation of comments from people that I just love! :)

Really though, from the bottom of my heart, friends and family - YOU ARE THE REASON I KEEP DOING THIS... Thank you for all your support ---- I LOVE YOU.


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