Monday, October 10, 2011

Get me into bed.....

Haha - here is my round-up of the first 5 days on this detox ----

Wanna know the quickest way to get me into bed at 9pm???... Guys take note.... THIS DETOX... Fuck my life... On day ONE I'm pretty sure I was texting, crying, holding my head all around 9pm from my BED!.... First... Let's discuss what this detox is taking OUT of my diet...

Here is the email from Mia (my super awesome diet/running/workout friend who is doing this detox with me...)

So basically, I am cutting EVERYTHING out of my diet except meats, veggies and fruits... which I'm totally cool with - if I could eat steak for breakfast lunch and dinner everyday, I would be the happiest girl alive... but right now, I'm not.

Day One: 
What I ate - 
1 Scrambled Egg
2 Pieces of turkey bacon
Big salad with cucumbers, green peppers, carrots, and some italian dressing and grilled chicken
Almonds for a snack
Banana for another snack
And a Small Filet with 1/4th of a Sweet potato and broccoli for dinner... 

How did I feel after day one, after not having my 4 cups of coffee or having a PSL from Starbucks? HORRIBLE. I died... Like I said, in bed by 9pm crying my eyes out like a big freaking baby... But guess what, the next day, I woke up, (still with a horrible headache) but felt like a million bucks. I had more energy, and I just felt better about myself... That only lasted about 5 hours till the next headache decided to kick-in hahaha but for those 5 hours I felt like a million bucks...

I know you are asking, what about working out? Well, I don't know about you, but when my head is pounding out of my skull, the last thing I want to do is work out.... so right now, I am working on getting the food part of this detox down, then I'll go run a marathon.... so be patient. This is hard enough as it is people!

Day Two: I basically ate the same thing --- see when you are a picky eater, it's really hard to do something like this - I shopped in Wegmans for about 3 hours reading labels, trying to figure out what I can and cannot eat, what I actually like, and then ultimately only buying like 6 meals... so it was back to Wegmans to try and figure out a few more foods to grab... OH! I had a smoothie on day two... hahaha - wow, talk about trying something new!

Day Three: 
This was the hardest... I woke up, and it was an AMAZING crisp fall morning - and every little bit of me wanted to get out of bed and run to starbucks and pick up a nice hot chai tea latte... There's just something about that white cup in your hand on a nice fall morning that makes you feel so much better about your day... but for me, my hopes and dreams were killed... this detox is still going on and it's only day 3. FML.

Day Four: 
When I said that 3 was the hardest, I was wrong... 4 was... Only because my dick neighbor decided, LET'S HAVE A PARTY.... oh but wait... a party??? Yes... you know I'm always in for a good party... but I'M ON THIS FUCKING DETOX! What do I do??? Well, you work with it... hahahahaha - Vodka and V8 Fruit Juice Fusion! :) Hey, I'm getting my daily serving of fruits and veggies while drinking ---- why not... hahaha... I am actually super proud of myself... while people were scarfing down hotdogs, drinking beers, eating chips - I had my vodka, and my chicken breast, and I was good to go - Sara asked me today if I had cheated yet, and thankfully I can say no, besides this little binge I had on Saturday.... Which made Sunday HORRIBLE.

Day Five: 
I think I'm glad I was hungover, it made for a good day to not really eat much. hahaha... We went out to breakfast, and I had an egg, with turkey sausage and fruit, and I could barely keep that down... So eating for the rest of the day wasn't really an issue....

Day Six: 
Today... today... today.... Well I woke up and had a smoothie, but it's really hard to focus on the computer today - my eyes are all buggy and my head hurts... I think my body is finally telling me that it's time to eat some carbs.. but I WON'T - I'm sticking to my guns... I'm not doing it --- NOPE. NOT DOING IT. We will see how today goes, but it should be ok ---

As for my progress - I hate the scale, so I'm going to say I have probably lost about 6 pounds (give or take) hahahahaha thats just me taking a guess on how I feel - so I could be totally wrong... but I will say, I have more energy and I just feel better about myself... I love food, but I love feeling this way so much better.....

Ok, I need to write some more posts -

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